Every time you join efforts with us to help your favorite clients change their lives for the better by advising them effectively into getting life or disability insurance, we contribute on the client’s or your behalf.

How Does this
Typically Work?




NGI donates
$100 to RIP
Medical Debt


$10,000 of
Medical Debt

Current Annual Goal

Forgiving $1,000,000

of Medical Debt

Helping 100 clients.

Helping others has
never tasted so good…

Our favorite clients who make our donations
possible may receive the best- tasting cookies with a handwritten letter of gratitude.

Helping others never tasted so good.

Our favorite clients who make our donations possible may receive the best- tasting cookies with a handwritten letter of gratitude.

Every time you join efforts with us to help your favorite clients change their lives for the better by advising them effectively into getting life or disability insurance, we contribute on the client’s or your behalf.

How Does this Typically Work?




NGI donates
$100 to RIP
Medical Debt


$10,000 of
Medical Debt

Current Annual Goal

Forgiving $2,000,000 of Medical Debt

Helping 200 households.