Help NGI Give Back and Transform Our Communities

Helping others, generosity, and charity are the core missions of NGI. That’s why we send our favorite clients the world’s best cookies and give them an opportunity to have NGI donate $100 to the charity of their choice simply by posting @NGInsurance with #NameOfCharity on their Facebook or Instagram.

For simplicity’s sake, we have chosen three favorite charities and have sample posts that clients can copy and paste onto Facebook and Instagram to make this easier for them.

Our Three Favorite Charities:

RIP Medical Debt:

What if you could turn $1 into $100 and eliminate the stressful burden of debt for poor communities around the country? RIP Medical debt transforms the lives of poor individuals, families, and entire communities by doing just that. Every time NGI donates $100 to RIP Medical Debt, $10,000 of medical debt is forgiven. This means individuals with medical debt no longer get hounded by debt collectors for money they don’t have and their relationships with friends and family are not ruined because they will not have to ask them for money to pay their debt.


GetUsPPE is an innovative national non profit that seeks to provide personal protective equipment to those most in need. They use data technology and matching algorithms to prioritize and distribute PPE for those most in danger of contracting and dying from COVID 19 and provide PPE at no cost to underserved and under-resourced communities.

Animal Rescue League of Boston:

Who doesn’t love helping animals? Helping over 20,000 animals in 2019, The Animal Rescue League of Boston is an unwavering champion for animals in need, committed to keeping them safe and healthy in habitats and homes.

Don’t Like the Three Charities Above?

Not a problem. Simply Donating provides an easy way to support the most efficient and impactful charities. Choose your favorite cause from Current Events, Animals, Education, Environment, Food and Shelter, Health, or Human Services and NGI’s donation will go to the three featured nonprofits in that cause! When you post on Instagram or Facebook, use #Cause (e.g. #Animals) and #SimplyDonating.​

Posts for Instagram and Facebook You can Copy and Paste:

Thanks @NGInsurance for making health/life/disability insurance simple and for donating $100 to #GetUsPPE. But, most importantly, thanks for giving me the best-tasting cookies I have ever had! #NGICareCookies

(Bonus points if you add a picture/video of you with or eating the cookies! Most people’s reactions to first trying these cookies are as surprisingly pleasant as watching a baby try a lemon for the first time).

Pictures You can Copy and Paste with Your Post: